Who was Moses?

Moses is one of the most important people in the Old Testament. He was born a slave, survived infancy despite a decree to kill all newborn Jewish boys, was adopted by an Egyptian princess and raised in the royal house of Egypt. Moses became the first national leader of Israel, led the Israelites out of Egypt, talked directly with God and gave God’s law to the people of Israel.

Moses was a descendant of Abraham and a member of the tribe of the Levites. He was born in Egypt after the Israelites had been made slaves of the Egyptians. At that time of Moses’ birth, the population of Israel had greatly increased. Pharaoh was afraid the Israelites were becoming too numerous, so he ordered that every Jewish boy be killed at birth. Moses’ parents refused to obey. They hid Moses for the first several months of his life. When it became impossible to keep him hidden, his mother made a small basket of reeds, placed her baby inside, set it afloat in the Nile and left her daughter to watch it.

A short while later Pharaoh’s daughter came to the river and saw the basket. She sent a servant to bring the basket to her. When she saw the baby boy inside she took pity on him, adopted him as her own and named him Moses. Moses was raised in the royal house, but when he was forty years old he killed an Egyptian for beating an Israelite. Moses was forced to flee Egypt and settled in the land of Midian. In Midian he married and fathered 2 sons. After forty years in Midian God spoke to Moses from a burning bush.

While Moses was tending his flock he saw a bush on fire. Upon investigation he realized the bush was not being consumed by the fire. God spoke to Moses from the bush. He told Moses to return to Egypt and lead the Israelites out of their captivity to the land God had promised the descendants of Abraham.

Moses argued with God but eventually went to Egypt where he told the Israelites what God had told him. Moses went to Pharaoh and asked permission to leave Egypt. When Pharaoh refused, God sent ten plagues on the people of Egypt. Finally, after the death of the oldest child in every home in Egypt, the Egyptians let the Israelites go.

God led the Israelites to the Red Sea where the army of Egypt attempted to recapture the escaped slaves. God parted the waters of the Red Sea, the Israelites crossed the sea on dry ground. When the Egyptians attempted to follow them, God caused the waters to collapse on the Egyptians and drowned the army.

Moses then led the Israelites to Mt. Sinai where he spoke with God. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the rest of the law of Israel. Moses then gave God’s laws to the people. Moses led the people from Mt. Sinai to the borders of the land God had promised to give them. When the Israelites refused to enter the land, God condemned that entire generation, except Joshua and Caleb, to die in the wilderness. Moses led the people south into the deserted lands between Egypt and Canaan.

Moses led Israel in the wilderness for forty years until it was time for them to return to the promised land. Moses did not enter Canaan. He died on a mountain overlooking the promised land and his body was taken away by angels.

Moses is one of the most important people in Israel’s history. He was the friend of God, the giver of the law, the first leader of the nation of Israel, the first author of Scripture and the first prophet of Israel.

If you would like to read more about Moses, you can find much of the above information in the first fifteen chapters of the book of Exodus and the last chapter of the book of Deuteronomy.