What was the purpose of the transfiguration?

The first three books of the New Testament tell of Jesus being transfigured in the presence of three of His disciples, Peter, James and John. (Matthew 17:1-10; Mark 9:2-9; Luke 9:28-36) The transfiguration was a moment in which Jesus’ appearance was changed (transfigured). His glory as God was briefly and partially revealed. While Jesus prayed Moses and Elijah descended from Heaven to speak with Him about His coming crucifixion. The transfiguration was the only time in Jesus’ life when His appearance was anything other than that of a normal man. The gospels tell of this event in Jesus’ life to show that He is the promised King of Israel, the Son of God and the Savior of the World.

The disciples were dumbfounded when the glory of Jesus. They had no idea what to say or do. God responded to their confusion and spoke to them from Heaven. “This is my beloved Son, hear Him.” God’s words to the disciples suggest one reason for the transfiguration was to confirm to them that Jesus is truly God. God allowed the disciples a brief glimpse of the power and glory of the King of kings to assure them He is all He said He is. However, Jesus’ glory could not be revealed to the entire world at that time. Jesus came to die on the cross for the sin of men, not to establish an earthly kingdom. (John 18:36) Consequently, He forbade the disciples from talking about His transfiguration until after His resurrection from the dead.

The transfiguration was so significant that Peter mentioned it in his second letter to the Jewish believers in Asia Minor. After Peter tells of being an “eyewitness of His majesty” (2 Peter 1:16) he says, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy.” The transfiguration was a breathtaking event which gave additional assurance that Jesus is exactly who He claimed to be, but people today have something even more significant. The transfiguration was a dramatic evidence of the truth of Jesus’ claims, but Peter’s words in 2 Peter 1:19 show that Scripture is more important than the disciples’ brief glimpse of Jesus’ glory. Because the Bible is truly the Word of God, each person must pay close attention to its truth and follow its direction in their lives.

The transfiguration is a remarkable event which allowed the disciples to see for a short time the radiance of Jesus’ glory. However, the event Peter witnessed was not as important as Scripture. The transfiguration is one of many testimonies to the Divine majesty of Jesus, but it is not the light to guide our lives. The Bible is.